Deeply committed to international and intercultural understanding, Verita provides an academically engaging, inquiry-based educational approach.  Our responsibility is to whole-heartedly assist our students to develop the social-emotional and academic skills necessary to live meaningful, fulfilled, and happy lives.

The objective of the VIS Scholarship Programme is to provide, where space and school finances allow, a Verita education to qualified students of any nationality who are unable, due to financial limitations, to access a VIS education.

Qualities expected
Of a VIS scholarship student

  • An excellent level of academic performance in their previous schooling;
  • A commitment to social justice;
  • A lively interest in the world around them;
  • An interest in cultural and academic pursuits that extends beyond their school lives.


  • Scholarships are awarded to students based on financial need and on their academic abilities, community service efforts and ethical behaviour.
  • Current and former students of Verita are not eligible to apply.
  • Scholarships are awarded only upon full disclosure of all family resources as requested by the Scholarship Committee. Such information remains confidential.
  • Financial need is evaluated annually using a uniform methodology and awards are adjusted if necessary. Scholarship recipients must complete a short financial application each year in order to renew their scholarship standing.
  • Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis without regard to nationality, race, colour, gender, religion, physical ability, sexual orientation or national or ethnic origin.
  • A student must pass an EAL test and be able to demonstrate a high level of English proficiency and academic aptitude.
  • The school will continue to fund a student through graduation provided he or she continues to perform at an acceptable social and academic level, unless she or he no longer demonstrates need.
  • The school anticipates exemplary behaviour and performance from all its students and failure of the student to display this ethical behaviour is grounds for rescinding the scholarship.
  • Scholarships are reserved for students entering Year 9 (13 years old) and Y11 (15 years old with IGCSE in Y10) with very strong English, Mathematics and Science skills as indicated by grades, writing samples, and Verita entrance examinations. The Scholarship Committee completes a thorough review of each applicant’s academic record.
  • The maximum number of scholarships available, determined by the School Director in consultation with the Scholarship Committee is 4.
  • All scholarship candidates must be interviewed by the Scholarship Committee.
  • Scholarships will normally cover between 50% to 75% of tuition depending on the family resources.
  • All costs for school supplies, examination fees, field trips, food, after school activities, transportation etc. will be borne by the family.

Criteria to
maintain the scholarship

  • Proof of ongoing financial need (annual income statements, bank balances, etc., etc.);
  • Excellent attendance;
  • Excellent behaviour;
  • Very good to excellent academic record (e.g. grade point average of at least 5.7 on the IB 1—7 scale);
  • Above and beyond commitment in terms of effort and participation in school life.
Scholarship programme Verita

Must Include


Download the Scholarship Application Form here.


Please provide a copy of an original identification document.


Proof of general grade in the last 2 years of study and/or report cards.

Proof of grades for the 1st semester for English, Maths & Science.


English language certificate.


Download the reccomendation letter template here.


Portfolio of the last two years, comprising: – Results at national / international competitions – the results can be both from curricular and extra-curricular activities in different fields:  piano, guitar, choir, swimming, football, handball, karate, painting, ballet / dance, public speaking, robotics, entrepreneurship and personal projects implemented in school or outside the school


The essay will have a maximum length of 800 words. It should be handwritten and scanned, or mailed together with the rest of the documents. 

The completed application file needs to be submitted to Olivia Musat, Admission and Parents Relationship Management Administrator, Verita International School by e-mail to: