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Synergies between Verita School Romania and Greece

Where possible it will also allow us to streamline aspects including cross-school working for students in IPC projects for example. For staff, we can enable staff to receive more professional development courses and we can share best practice between and beyond the two schools through the network we have built up here in Romania and beyond to the UK and Canada for example. 

Through this role change we can also centralise recruitment for both schools, attracting new teaching candidates for hiring to either school with the chance to work in both schools over a longer period of time. I will also be looking at ways to improve the use of resources to ensure budgets are optimised and new ways to save money can be explored. I will also work with both schools to investigate more ways to increase the capital expenditure to invest in improving our students’ well-being.

One of my future aims will be to develop student exchange programs between Romania and Greece as we need our secondary students from Romania and Greece to explore what each country has to offer and to promote global citizenship as a real and actual event in the students’ educational journey here at Verita.  

I will also be supporting the coordination COBIS/ CIS/ IB accreditation progress and development on a group level for both schools as I want to be an integral part of the development of the group of schools as Verita continues to spread its wings.