The IB @Verita International School
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) is a 2 year curriculum designed for Year 12 and 13 students. Verita International School is an authorized IB World School for the Diploma Programme.
All grade 12 and 13 courses at Verita International School are IB courses. Students must engage in the full program of subjects from each of the 6 groups.
The groups are divided as follows:
- Group 1: Language A – English A: Language & Literature & Romanian A: Literature
- Group 2: Language acquisition/Language B or Ab initio – French B & Spanish Ab (SL Only)
- Group 3: Individuals and Societies – Economics & History
- Group 4: Sciences – Chemistry, Physics, Biology & ESS
- Group 5: Mathematics – Math AA
- Group 6: The arts – Visual Art
A student must pick 1 subject from each group. If a student does not want to take a subject from group 6, they can opt to take another subject from one of the other groups.
Apart from the 6 groups mentioned above, students can also choose an online subject via Pamoja, at an additional cost and this cost must be paid by the parent/guardian of the student.
Pamoja is an online platform that enables us to make a broader range of subjects available to students. Pamoja is able to support subjects with poor viability due to low student interest; subjects that create timetable challenges and subjects where schools simply wish to offer an online option alongside a subject they may already teach face-to-face. In summary, Pamoja enables schools to broaden student subject choice by directly addressing the challenges and opportunities many schools are presented with; both in planned and unplanned circumstances.
The following subjects are available on Pamoja online:
Group 2:
- French ab initio (SL only)
- Spanish B (SL only)
- Mandarin ab initio (SL only)
Group 3:
- Business Management (SL/HL)
- Digital Society (SL/HL)
- Psychology (SL/HL)
- Philosophy (SL only)
Group 6:
- Film (SL only)
Please find here the full breakdown of Pamoja costs.
The student has chosen English, French B, Economics, Chemistry, Mathematics AA and History (instead of visual arts).
A student must also complete the requirements of the IB diploma core:
- Extended Essay (EE)
- Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
- Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)
Higher Level / Standard Level Subjects
- Of the six subjects studied, a minimum of three (3) must be studied at Higher Level and the remainder at Standard Level. A maximum of four (4) can be taken at Higher Level.
- The difference in Higher / Standard Level is the number of teaching hours:
- Higher Level – 240 hours per course
- Standard Level – 150 hours per course
- Different Subject courses differentiate between the HL / SL in different ways to achieve this. Examples include:
- Core standard course in both with additional topics in HL.
- The same topics in each but covered to a different depth.
- Differing assessment requirements.
Subject Gradings
- The marks awarded for each course range from 1 (lowest) to 7 (highest).
- HL / SL subjects are treated the same in the contribution to the total diploma score. (ie. A 6 rating in an SL subject is not worth less than a 6 rating in the equivalent HL subject.)
- A maximum score of 45 can be achieved in a diploma.
- 6 subjects x 7 score = 42 points
- TOK + Extended Essay (See Diploma Points Matrix) = 3 points
- Which adds up to a total of 45 points