As students from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3 (Years 3-9) complete their second round of MAP Testing this academic year, the comparative data from the September 2023 session have now been released.

We are delighted to announce that our students have once again demonstrated exceptional academic progress. MAP Growth is a reputable assessment that measures student growth and overall academic achievement over time. Based on the data, Verita International School students are on par with or have outperformed their peers from over 1,000 international schools worldwide.

Our students have made substantial strides in reading, language usage and maths showcasing their dedication to academic excellence and their ability to flourish in a stimulating learning environment.

We are immensely proud of our students’ accomplishments and profoundly appreciative of the dedication of our teachers who have tirelessly worked to cultivate a nurturing and supportive environment for all learners. The MAP Growth data provides invaluable insights into each student’s progress and empowers our teachers to tailor instruction and ensure that all students are supported and encouraged to reach their full potential.

We remain steadfast in our commitment to providing a high-quality education that prepares our students for success in career and life and parents’ trust and partnership are essential in this journey. We deeply appreciate their support, too.